Emelia May Hughes

Hello! I’m Emelia ⭐ Pleasure to meet you.

I am currently a graduate student at the University of Notre Dame in the Computer Science and Engineering department. I am working with Tim Weninger on evaluating online communities (specifically TikTok currently). Previously, I worked with Amy Zhang at the University of Washington. My work at the Social Futures Lab focused on evaluating and developing credibility signals on YouTube.

I graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Science in Informatics and a Bachelor of Arts in Drawing & Painting in 2022.

Outside of work, I love figure skating (I used to skate competitively), exploring the world, and slowly creating my own urban jungle (also known as fueling my plant addiction). I also serve on the 501c3 board for Advanced Robotics at the University of Washington (ARUW), which was a large part of my experience at UW.

Right now, I am focusing on my research and am exploring my art in my free time. While I am not pursuing art as a career right now, I am still determined to make it a part of my life. If you are interested in working with me on something art related, feel free to reach out!

I do admit I have one (or five) too many hobbies, but I also love to casually research dress history, knit, sew, listen to true-crime podcasts, and hang out at my local Pure Barre.